Member Care Services
Personal Debriefing
Debriefing is a process and is designed around your story, and the time you are able to give at any one given time. While negotiable, here is what I can offer you:
-4 to 5 days of debriefing depending on how long you've been in the field, how many in the debriefing, and how much time you can devote to the process
-we will cover topics such as laying out your story, what's happened in your journey, the impact it is had on you, your family, those you've left behind
-we will look at loss and grief and how it relates to transition, decisions made by you or your organization, your support network
-we will discover how transition has impacted your journey
-we will discuss challenging relationships and how conflict impacts our behaviors and how we treat those around us
-we will take time to discover what scripture has to say about all of the above and give you an opportunity to ask 'what is God saying to me in the process'.
Organizational Consulting
Are you a fairly new missions organization? And even if you aren't, have you thought about how to care for your workers that are thousands of miles away? Perhaps you find your organization in the midst of a crisis situation and are not sure how to go about handling it. Did you know there are a lot of resources available to you, and I can be one of those resources to help you through a challenging season - whether it's a one time event or an ongoing discussion of how to build a member care strategy to provide your entire organization - both domestic and international. For a free 30 min. consult, contact me to set this up. Would love to come alongside your organization.
Member Care Coaching
Are you new to a member care role? Or perhaps you are a veteran member care provider, but need some outside input. I can be a sound board for you as well as help you strategize approaches of how to handle various personnel decisions. This can be especially challenging if you are located in two different places. I can also be a neutral third party for your team members in the event you feel it would be beneficial to provide your team with an experienced member care provider from the outside. Not sure what your needs are? Let's do a consultation chat to see if we can discover opportunities to partner.
Transition Coaching/Workshops
Let's face it...Transition are HARD! I know as I've had 47 in the last two decades. How we navigate those transitions impacts not just us, but those around us. Transitions impact our heart, our behaviors and our attitude about the future. Sometimes we need someone to come alongside and help coach in order to navigate these seasons of change. Or perhaps you are sending people overseas who who would benefit from a once a month chat for their first six to nine months on the field. This is a huge help in navigating cultural transitions and being away from their home country. Or perhaps your organization is going through a major transition - a workshop can help everyone to get on the same page. I can help! Contact me through the form on the front page.
Future Offerings
Watch this space for future offerings coming soon.